

Imagine that for some reason, you’ve decided to write a self-contained, animated fractal tree component. Because the component is self-contained, it’ll need to somehow schedule its own renders using window.requestAnimationFrame(). And for a first attempt, you may decide to just call requestAnimationFrame() on every render. You can see this in action by uncommenting lines 23–26 below.

import React, { useState } from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import FractalTreeBranch from './FractalTreeBranch'

// The height and width of the entire window
const { innerHeight, innerWidth } = window

function App() {
  let [time, setTime] = useState(Date.now())
  let [mousePosition, setMousePosition] = useState({
    x: innerWidth / 2,
    y: innerHeight / 2,
  let fromHorizontalCenter = (innerWidth / 2 - mousePosition.x) / innerWidth
  let fromVerticalCenter = (innerHeight / 2 - mousePosition.y) / innerHeight
  let lean = 0.03 * Math.sin(time / 2000) + fromHorizontalCenter / 4
  let sprout =
    0.3 +
    0.05 * Math.sin(time / 1300) +
    fromVerticalCenter / 5 -
    0.2 * Math.abs(0.5 - fromHorizontalCenter / 2)
  // window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
  //   // Update time to trigger a re-render
  //   setTime(Date.now())
  // })

  return (
        position: 'absolute',
        top: 0,
        left: 0,
        bottom: 0,
        right: 0,
        overflow: 'hidden',
      onMouseMove={event => {
          x: event.clientX,
          y: event.clientY,
      <FractalTreeBranch lean={lean} size={150} sprout={sprout} />

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'))
Build In Progress

At first, it looks to work well enough — at least until you try moving the mouse over the tree.

Here’s the problem: if the mouse moves, then React will update the state and re-render the component, thus scheduling another render with requestAnimationFrame() before the existing one has executed. Now you have two scheduled renders, twice the CPU usage, half the frame rate, and basically it just stops working so well.

In the above example, the call to window.requestAnimationFrame() is what’s called a side effect; it’s something that your component does in addition to returning elements.

As you can see, running side effects within the render function doesn’t tend to work so well. But you still need to perform side effects. They’re what enables your application to be actually useful, doing things like:

  • Loading data from the server
  • Setting and clearing timers
  • Interacting with the DOM

But while side effects are everywhere, it’s incredibly unusual to find effects that must be performed each and every time the component function is called. For one thing, React will sometimes call the component function multiple times before a single update. And surprisingly, React can also call the component function without ever updating the DOM at all!

It seems like what you need is a safe way of running effects, cleaning up after them, and doing so without hurting performance. And that’s where useEffect() comes in.

#The useEffect() function

This hook function lets you ask React to do something after the component has successfully finished rendering.

useEffect(() => {
  // do something

There’s a lot of different things that you can do with useEffect(), but for the time being, let’s consider a form with server-side validation. Here’s an example — try typing in a username to see if it is available.

import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import validate from './validate' 

function App() {
  let [username, setUsername] = useState('')
  let [validationMessage, setValidationMessage] = useState()

  useEffect(() => {
    let promise = validate(username)
      message => setValidationMessage(message)

  return (
      <span className="label">Username</span>
        onChange={event => setUsername(event.target.value)}
      {validationMessage || ''}

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'))
Build In Progress

This example is pretty simple. In fact, it’s so simple that you could do it with event handler functions alone — so why use effects?

The thing about server-side validation is that you probably don’t actually want to perform it on every keystroke. It creates far too many requests — which you’ll get a feeling for if you open up the console above. Instead, what you want to do is debounce the requests; you want to wait until the user has stopped typing, and then send a request.

So how do you implement a debounce? Well, the waiting part is easy: just use setTimeout(). But again, if you just schedule a delayed request on each keystroke, you’ll end up with too many requests. What you really want to be able to do is to cancel the previous timeout before creating a new one. And that’s where cleanup functions come in.

#The cleanup function

When your useEffect() callback returns a function, React will call that function once the effect is no longer needed. This lets you clean up after your effects by cancelling subscriptions, freeing resources, cancelling timeouts, etc.

useEffect(() => {
  // do something

  return () => {
    // clean up

There are two situations in which React will call the cleanup function. Do you know what they are? Have a think about it, and when you’re ready, check your answer below.

  1. The cleanup function will be called when the component is unmounted.
  2. The cleanup function will be called the next time the effect callback is run.

The first of these situations is hopefully fairly obvious. But what about the second situation? This is what makes the hook cleanup function so powerful. It lets you declare to React:

Yo React, I want this thing to happen soon after each render, but only until the next render.

Or for a more specific example, maybe you want a timeout to be scheduled for 500ms in the future, but you want to cancel it if another timeout is scheduled before 500ms passes. Here’s how you’d do it:

import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import validate from './validate' 

function App() {
  let [username, setUsername] = useState('')
  let [validationMessage, setValidationMessage] = useState()

  useEffect(() => {
    let timeout = setTimeout(() => {
        message => setValidationMessage(message)
    }, 500)
    return () => {

  return (
      <span className="label">Username</span>
        onChange={event => setUsername(event.target.value)}
      {validationMessage || ''}

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'))
Build In Progress

Simple, enough, right? But there’s still something wrong. If you try typing in a username and open the console, you’ll find that the number of validations is still higher than it needs to be. Do you know why? Have a think about it, and then check your reasoning below.

In the above example, the validation is scheduled to be run each and every time that the component renders. And given that most renders occur due to keypresses, this almost makes sense. However. Updating the validation message also requires a render, which means that a second validation is performed immediately after the first validation completes.

To fix this, we’ll need a way to conditionally perform effects.

#Conditional effects

In the real world, it’s rare that you’ll want to run your effect after each and every update. Instead, you’ll often want your effect to run only after a specific condition changes. Luckily, React makes this super easy.

The useEffect() function allows you to specify a list of values that the effect depends on as its second argument. When you do so, it will only schedule the effect to be executed on renders where one of the values has changed from the previous render.

  () => {
    // do something

    return () => {
      // clean up
  [executeWhenThisChanges, orWhenThisChanges]

Given that this is a pretty simple fix, let’s see if you can implement it in the above example as an exercise.

Your task is to prevent a second validation from being performed after each first validation completes.

Once you’ve given this exercise a try, you can click the solution button in the above editor to compare your work with mine.

Effects and if

useEffect() is a hook, so it must follow the rules of hooks. This means that you cannot put useEffect() within an if statement. You can still call effects conditionally with if statements though — you’ll just have to put them inside the useEffect() callback:

useEffect(() => {
  if (condition) {
    // do something

#A quiz

Let’s test your understanding with a little quiz. Imagine that you’re building a contact list full of billionaires. When the app first loads, your contact list component needs to fetch the data from the server.

Naturally, you’ll use an effect — but will you need to pass the effect a dependencies array? And if so, what will its contents be?

Have a little think about this, and once you’re ready, check your answer in the box below.

Given that you only want to fetch the data when the app first loads, the effect only needs to run once. This can be accomplished by passing an empty dependencies array.

useEffect(() => {
  // load your data here
}, [])

React will only run the effect when something inside the dependencies array changes. Given that there’s nothing in there, nothing can ever change!

This pattern will come in handy for fetching contact list data in the next section, among other things.

Progress to next section.